
Audit Process

1. Inquiry / Application

Upon receipt of an inquiry, either verbal or written, the certification administrator will send an application/questionnaire forms to the client.

2. Application Review and Contract

Upon receipt of the signed application / questionnaire, TUW will review the documents and provide a proposal and agreement to the client.

3. Notification of Audit plan

After the audit certification agreement has been completed, TUW will notify the client of the detailed audit plan and the members of the audit team. At this time, audit plan is discussed between TUW and the client.

4. Pre-assessment [Option]

The purpose of the pre-audit is to give an opportunity to the client to improve their system prior to the actual audit. At the client's request, a pre-assessment will be conducted.

5. Stage 1 assessment

The Stage 1 audit is conducted to confirm conformity of the management system according to the applied standard and to prepare the Stage 2 audit. This audit includes a complete review of the management system documents and key items to ensure the client is prepared for the Stage 2 audit.

6. Stage 2 assessment

Stage 2 audit is conducted to confirm that the management system of the organization actually meets the all requirements of the appropriate standard. If the system meets the requirement of standard by objective evidence, it is recommended for certification.

7. Corrective action Of non-conformity

If non-conformities are found during the initial Stage 1 audit, those non-conformities must be corrected prior to the Stage 2 audit. For non-conformities found during the Stage 2 audit, they must be corrected before a certificate will be issued.

8. Certification Review

TUW makes a decision in regard to the certification by means of a certification committee evaluation of the entire audit process.

9. Certificate Issue

Once certification/registration is decided, the certificate will be issued to the client.

10. Surveillance audit

Surveillance audit is conducted in order to verify whether the organization is following the stipulations set forth by the certification. Regular surveillance cycle cannot exceed one year.

11. Recertification audit

A recertification audit is conducted for renewal of certification every 3 years. It is also conducted based on the same procedures outlined in the initial certification audit.